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AZLA 12 Hour Wall Ball Challenge

Why- To introduce and provide lacrosse opportunities at no cost to low-income families in the


Date- January 8, 2022

Time- 8am-8pm

Location- El Dorado Community Center/Boys and Girls Club Barker Branch

2311 N. Miller Road, Scottsdale, AZ

Teams of 5-6 participants will sign up for one hour time blocks to complete as many successful

wall ball pass/catch motions as possible. Teams can rotate players as often as they like with

any strategy they choose. A volunteer adult for the group will be responsible for tracking

successful pass/catch motions.

The youth and high school teams with the most successful pass/catch motions will receive a


The team with the highest overall donation amount will also receive a prize!

Create a team, pick a name and sign up your team today so we can begin tracking your

donations! Each team has a goal of raising $1,500. to sign up your team and select your time slot.

We happily accept corporate or individual donations as well.

All donations will be DOUBLE matched by Edrington Americas!